The Memory Thieves

(3 reviews with an average rating of 3 out of 5)

Publisher: Usborne

Cyan can’t remember arriving at the Elsewhere Sanctuary but, with the help of Dr Haven, he is happy; freed from the trauma and torments of his past.

The Lethe Method is miraculous. Medication, electrical stimulation and disorientation mask dark memories, hidden behind a veneer of bland amusements.

But when Cyan comes across an odd carving, and a new resident proves unwilling to give up the entirety of her previous life, he begins to question the authenticity of his existence. And, as fingers of past memory reach into the present, he becomes desperate to find a context for them.

Surely the Sanctuary and Dr Haven have his best interests at heart? But what if they don’t?

This multi-layered thriller is thought-provoking and compelling. The blissful façade of life at the Sanctuary crumbles very gradually as Cyan and his friends painstakingly peel back the layers of deceit and manipulation to reveal something truly shocking.

But at its heart, this book is an exploration of pain and mental suffering. It is a manifesto for the value of honesty, empathy and facing sorrow so it can be worked through and resolved. It would make a great shared reading project.

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