The Little Match Girl Strikes Back

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

12 year-old Bridie sells matches on the mean streets of Victorian London. Her mother works 14 hours a day making matches in the Bryant and May factory… and the poison from the factory is making her ill. Even though they work so hard, they are very poor and often hungry. Then one New Year’s Eve, when Bridie seems to have lost everything, she lights her three remaining matches with miraculous effects.

Some readers might know the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale The Little Match Girl, which does not have a happy ending. Be assured this new Match Girl tale is much more cheery!  The story is a reimagining of true historical events where women working in the Bryant and May match factory go on strike because of terrible pay and conditions. But in this story young Bridie is their inspiration.

It’s a thrilling tale and Bridie is a wonderful character brought stunningly to life in Lauren Child’s magnificently beautiful illustrations, many of them based on real photographs of match sellers and workers from the time. The innovative layout of the text makes this a particularly vibrant read. Emma Carroll and Lauren Child are a brilliant pairing and this book would make a wonderful gift.

Mae Bridie, sy’n ddeuddeg oed, yn gwerthu matsis ar strydoedd Llundain yn oes Fictoria. Mae ei mam yn gweithio yn ffatri Bryant and May, sy’n ei gwneud yn sâl. Yna, un Nos Galan, mae Bridie yn tanio’i thair matsien olaf, sy’n cael effeithiau gwyrthiol.

Mae’n bosibl bod rhai darllenwyr yn gyfarwydd â stori The Little Match Girl, sydd ddim yn dod i ben yn hapus. Fodd bynnag, mae’r stori hon yn ailddychmygu digwyddiadau hanesyddol lle aeth menywod a oedd yn gweithio yn ffatri matsis Bryant and May ar streic oherwydd y tâl a’r amodau ofnadwy. Yn y stori hon, Bridie ydy eu hysbrydoliaeth.

Mae’n stori gyffrous, gyda darluniadau Lauren Child yn dod â Bridie yn syfrdanol o fyw.


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