The Jungle

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Publisher: Ink Road

Mico is a young African boy who's lost his family and livelihood, and is trying to get to safety in England. Stuck in the notorious, makeshift refugee camp at Calais that became known as the Jungle, Mico never has enough to eat, and like many refugees, has no money either. Hunger and difficult circumstances make the lure of joining the gangs and turning to crime almost inevitable.

The camp is overcrowded, unhygienic, freezing cold, and very dangerous. Mico is surrounded by people of many nationalities and backgrounds who've also been forced to flee from conflict and poverty.

As we follow Mico's story, we can't help but hope his friendship with Leila and her pregnant sister will see him through the trials of life in camp without getting into serious trouble – but Mico can be foolhardy and reckless. Does he stand a chance in a place like this?

The Jungle at Calais has now been disbanded, but Mico's story stands as a reminder of what life is like in any refugee camp, and helps us understand that choosing to leave your homeland and your family is not an easy option. No one would choose this path if alternative was available.

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