6 books with a mental health theme 03/02/25
The Invisible Story
Publisher: Lantana Books
In a vast library, a dazzling array of books argue over who is the most famous and the most read.
Meanwhile, one little book watches on quietly from the shadows, wishing it could be as colourful and as popular. This book has been overlooked by most readers, its pages seemingly blank. "I'm just a ghost," it tells itself sadly. "No one can see me."
Then a young girl visits the library and runs her fingertips over the pages to reveal that they are covered with tiny raised dots. The astonished book is about to discover that it is in fact a very wonderful story indeed.
This is a memorable picture book with a timeless quality, beautifully translated from Spanish by Daniel Hahn. Through its gentle lyrical story, it highlights the power of braille, reminding us that not all books are intended to be read with eyes.
Braille, it tells us, deserves to be brought out of the shadows and celebrated. There's also a lovely universal message about the power of a great story – the best books can be re-read time and time again, meaning they essentially never end.
Wen Hsu Chen's distinctive illustrations feature a highly effective cut-out paper technique in which little splashes of watercolour gradually seep out of the white folds to flood the page as the 'hidden' story emerges from the lonely book.
Also available in accessible formats from RNIB Bookshare.
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