The Humans

Publisher: Little Tiger

This highly-illustrated reference book celebrates the incredible achievements of various ancient civilisations, exploring their lifestyles, discoveries and inventions, many of which have influenced modern-day society. A brief introduction outlines how humans evolved from apes several million years ago, and explains that homo sapiens, who originated in Africa, are the only species of human alive today.

Each chapter focuses on a different continent and features some of the major groups who flourished in these regions. Many well-known civilisations are explored, including the Ancient Egyptians, Romans and Vikings, as well as less familiar communities, such as the Nubians, who settled in modern-day Sudan around 5000 BCE. From currency and measurement to musical instruments and medicine, these pioneering people contributed much to today’s world. Readers will learn that the umbrella was invented in Ancient China to protect against the sun, while the Persians are credited with introducing the first postal service 2,500 years ago.

Maps on each page help children to visualise the location of the different civilisations, while a useful timeline at the end places them together in chronological order. Stylish, full-page illustrations provide a colourful and informative backdrop to the wealth of facts contained within this marvellous book.

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Author: Jamia Wilson Illustrator: Jade Orlando

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