The Hit
Publisher: Chicken House
Melvin Burgess has gained a reputation for dealing with shocking and controversial issues in books like Junk, and The Hit is no exception.
The streets are buzzing with talk of Death - a hijacked euthanasia drug, which offers those that take it the best week of their lives before they die seven days later. Adam's brother is gone, his parents are worn out and he has even lost girlfriend Lizzie, the one good thing in his life. With few opportunities available to him, and the growing sense that his life is worthless, Adam decides to take Death and end it all with the ultimate high. But all too quickly, he realises that he still has plenty to live for.
Brutal, uncompromising and unflinching in its honesty, The Hit tackles some of the most important issues facing young people today head on. Set in an urban Manchester torn apart by riots, looting and unrest, this is an intense, dynamic and action-packed thriller that moves forward at a breathless pace, right up to its dramatic conclusion. Hard-hitting and enormously thought-provoking, Burgess has served up another must-read novel for young adults.