The Clockwork Conspiracy

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Isaac’s dad Diggory Turner looks after the Great Clock in the Palace of Westminster. Twice a year, when the clocks change, Diggory climbs Big Ben’s tower to reset the hands of the famous London timepiece.

However, when Diggory vanishes from the belfry without a trace, Isaac’s life is thrown into disarray. While the police look into Diggory’s disappearance, Isaac stays with Soloman Bassala, his father’s friend and Speaker of the House of Commons. Soloman’s headstrong daughter, Hattie, loves a good mystery and convinces Isaac that they should conduct their own investigation.  

Meanwhile, the government wants to pass a controversial New Time Law, which will introduce a metric time system, switching the UK to a ten-hour day. While the debate rages in the Houses of Parliament, Isaac and Hattie embark on a dangerous dash across London, where they uncover a sinister plot which threatens Time itself.   

With Isaac’s scientific mind and Hattie’s fortitude, the pair make a great team. A thrilling first book in the Isaac Turner Investigates series, this fast-paced mystery is packed full of science, cryptic clues and adventure, and will have readers on the edge of their seats.  

Mae tad Isaac yn gofalu am y Cloc Mawr ym Mhalas San Steffan, ond pan fo'n diflannu o'r clochdy heb adael ôl, mae bywyd Isaac yn troi'n anhrefn. Ynghyd â'r ffrind Hattie, mae'n ymchwilio i’r diflaniad dirgel gan ddatgelu cynllwyn anfad sy'n bygwth amser ei hun.

Gyda meddwl gwyddonol Isaac a chryfder Hattie, mae'r pâr yn dîm gwych. Mae’r dirgelwch byrlymus hwn, llyfr cyntaf cyffrous mewn cyfres newydd, yn llawn gwyddoniaeth, cliwiau cryptig ac antur, a fydd yn rhoi darllenwyr ar ymyl ei seddi.

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