The Boy Who Sailed the Ocean in an Armchair
Publisher: Usborne
Becket Rumsey has several mysteries to solve. Amongst other things, he wants to find out why his dad decided they needed to move house and he wants to find a way to say goodbye to his mum. With the help of his younger brother Billy, and Billy's pet snail Brian, he manages to find the answers to these questions and others he wasn't aware he was asking.
Lara Williamson has created another book with a modern family at its heart. When Becket tries to understand the actions of the adults in his life, he often makes mistakes - and things don't start out brilliantly at his new school.
We are shown how strange events can seem through the eyes of a young boy, but also how simple things can be inspirational. Fans of A Boy Called Hope will not be disappointed.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Bob, 06 June 2017
I picked this book completely at random but it turns out that I really enjoyed reading it! One day I was off school due to illness and all day I just sat there and read it, laughing out loud. Comedy is now my new favourite genre of book. This one however, is special as it all revolves around how everything is perfect for Becket Rumsey until his 'mum' abandons him and everything goes into a downwards spiral. Lots of sad moments are in this book but somehow, it finds a way to make a very fun...
Christopher, 26 April 2017
this book has two brother who went on a journey. his dad runs away with both his kids in the middle of the night .
sam, 10 February 2017
This book is a very nice book to read because it has a bit of action in it. This book is about 2 boys who are trying to find an answer to a mystery. There are 2 brave brothers who have moved houses due to a reason they don't know however they are determined to find the reason. I would recommend this book to 9+ kids because this book has too many chapters and has some hard words that smaller children wont understand.
Reyhan, 10 February 2017
this book is about a boy named becket Rumsey and he has lost his mum and is very sad and believed paper cranes can make his life better. he has a father who has a relaithionship with pearl and they leave honeydown hills where they use to live with her. when she comes to their new flat their dad is suprised
Yusra, 31 January 2017
I didn't really like the book because it said it was really funny but it wasn't as funny as it said but it is still worth to read it if you like adventures.
Damian, 25 January 2017
I thought the book was very intreging to read. The introduction was extremely interesting to read and makes you want to read on. The main theme of the book is two boys and their dad move away from their stepmum who the boys love a lot. I would read the book again and the reason for this is the storyline is good and its fun to read. I would say it is ages 8-12 and people who like adventure and comedy.
Faith, 17 January 2017
this book is amazing it is definatley suitable for all ages and i most likely helps children who has lost someone close as the book is about a boy who has lost his mother and how he's trying to say goodbye
seren, 13 December 2016
I enjoyed reading this book as I feel that the main issue of the story is really realistic. As I have not been in Becket's situation, I was interested to know what would happen next and understand his feelings. I enjoyed reading about the journey that Becket and Billy took to discover the truth about Pearl. I would recommend this book to other children about 11 years old and I would like to read other stories that Lara Williamson has written.
Brandon, 11 December 2016
Great Book!!!!!!
Atiya, 23 November 2016
I really love this book because it is really interested!!!
Olivia, 11 October 2016
It doesn't explain what the book is about esspesially when it looks like a good book btw I wasn't judging a books by it cover
Mariam, 03 October 2016
can a armchair float?