Ten Fat Sausages

(1 reviews with an average rating of 3 out of 5)

Publisher: Andersen Press

Many of us think we know the “Ten fat sausages, sizzling in a pan” rhyme, but what if the sausages opted out of their bang-and-pop destiny and made a run for it? Yet the ill-fated pan-deserters find that they might be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire with a series of unfortunate kitchen-related mishaps featuring a blender (ouch), a drain whirlpool and the relentless velocity of a ceiling fan.

Everything in this sausagey counting book works perfectly: Tor Freeman’s big, bold illustration is arranged in full page and split-page panels that really capture the action of the sausages’ numerous escapes. Michelle Robinson’s text hops along beautifully in a satisfying rhyme that works well for preschoolers, as well as entertaining adults and older children who will really get the silly humour.

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