Stargazers, Skyscrapers and Extraordinary Sausages

Publisher: Child's Play

Henrietta is definitely not short on ambition. She’s going to start by being the world’s first ice-cream-making, sky-scraper-climbing lighthouse keeper. Unfortunately her dog Frank never seems to think about anything but sausages, and what’s worse he keeps getting sausages jumbled up in all her daydreams! Exasperated, the pair wonder if they’ll ever find anything in common…

Claudia Boldt’s bold style of illustration combines unusual angles, nostalgic prints, and childlike handwriting to recreate the surreal imaginings of her characters. This affectionate tale celebrates both the wanderlust of our ambitions and the power of food to unite us all. A fun read for anyone who loves ice-cream, sausages or, ideally, both!

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