
Publisher: Farshore

Get ready to buckle up for a high-octane dino-spy adventure!

Spyceratops is a feisty top-secret spy, fully kitted out with all the latest gadgets and gizmos. Her latest mission is set to be her greatest challenge yet as she partners up with her sibling to find out why her grandad has been behaving in a peculiar manner.

A rip-roaring mission ensues as they track Grandad through town, abseiling from treehouses, setting up a surveillance spy base and whizzing around town on their ramshackle homemade spy bike... could Grandad be a secret spy too?

Alex Willmore has created a funny and action-packed read which adults and children alike will find relatable.

Brilliant, bright, bold illustrations and a cast of charming prehistoric characters provide plenty of hidden detail, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for clues and look out for the hilarious surprise ending.

Mae Spyceratops yn ysbïwraig ewn sydd â'r holl declynnau diweddaraf. Ei thasg ddiweddaraf fydd ei her fwyaf erioed: darganfod pam mae ei thad-cu wedi bod yn ymddwyn mewn ffordd ryfedd. Mae cenhadaeth llawn hwyl a sbri yn dilyn wrth iddi ei ddilyn drwy’r dref.

Llyfr doniol a llawn cyffro y bydd oedolion a phlant yn ei fwynhau. Mae darluniau gwych, beiddgar a chast o gymeriadau cynhanesyddol dymunol yn darparu digon o fanylion cudd, felly gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn cadw llygad allan am gliwiau!

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