We Are All Astronauts!

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Luna Scope, aged seven and a bit, is on a mission to be an astronaut. But first she needs to learn about a few things. Luckily, her granny is on hand to guide her through astronaut training. Luna learns about her space suit, about the stars, about practising space walks, about rockets and about astronauts’ jobs on the space station. Just as importantly, she learns about the pioneers of space travel – people like Caroline Herschel, the first professional female astronomer (in the 18th century), and Mae Jemison, the first Black woman in space.

This picture book is packed with information that will inspire any budding astronaut. Kate Pankhurst brilliantly balances fascinating facts with Luna’s overarching story and her amazing illustrations. In this slim volume is the perfect amount of detail and quirky pictures for a child in the first few years of school. Inspired by the ‘Mercury 13’, a group of female astronaut trainees who weren’t allowed into space in the 1960s, it shines a light on the women who’ve either helped the advance of space travel or been into space themselves. This is inspiring STEM content for any child. 

Mae Luna Scope â’i bryd ar fod yn ofodwr, ond mae angen iddi ddysgu ambell i beth yn gyntaf. Yn ffodus, mae ei nain wrth law i’w tywys drwy’r wyddoniaeth ac, yr un mor bwysig, i’w haddysgu am fenywod arloesol ym maes archwilio’r gofod.

Mae’r llyfr lluniau hwn yn llawn gwybodaeth a fydd yn ysbrydoli unrhyw egin ofodwr. Mae Kate Pankhurst yn cydbwyso ffeithiau diddorol â stori gyffredinol Luna a darluniadau gwych yn ardderchog. Mae hwn yn gynnwys STEM i ysbrydoli plant.

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