Snail in Space

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

When all snails are born, they’re told to live a simple life and not to dream too big.  

But Gail is a snail who marches to a different kind of beat. With her zingy leopard-print shell and bright red specs, Gail the snail has an out-of-this-world dream. She wants to be the first snail in space. 

There was doubt and there was fear, but after a treacherous journey to SpaceCamp, Gail begins her training. But becoming a space cadette is no easy task – there's a fitness test, lots of studying and a big exam. Gail passes with flying colours and finally, it’s time to climb into the spaceship for the first time.

But the utterly exhausted snail slips and falls as she’s heading up the ladder. It’s nearly time for the rocket to take off, but does Gail have what it takes to roll over, get up and follow her space dreams? 

From the creators of Slug in Love, this is a hilariously warm story about the power of passion and persistence. 

Pan fydd malwod yn cael eu geni, mae eraill yn dweud wrthyn nhw am fyw bywyd syml ac i beidio â chael breuddwydion rhy uchelgeisiol. Ond mae Gail yn falwen sy’n dilyn llwybr gwahanol. Mae ganddi freuddwyd y tu hwnt i’r byd hwn: i fod y falwen gyntaf yn y gofod.

Wedi’i hysgrifennu gan awduron Slug in Love, mae hon yn stori ddoniol, gynnes am rym angerdd a dyfalbarhad. Bydd plant wrth eu bodd â phersonoliaeth ecsentrig Gail ac mae ei thaith yn cael ei chyfleu’n hyfryd gan destun doniol mewn odl a darluniau grymus.

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