Scientists are Saving the World!

Publisher: Magic Cat Publishing

A little boy is watching TV with his mum one day and starts asking questions about scientists. What are they doing to save the world right now?

So, Mum starts to explain all the brilliant ways that scientists are helping us right now, from meteorologists like June Bacon-Bercey predicting sizzling summers, to acoustic biologists like Deepal Warakagoda who listen to and record the sounds of animals in different parts of the world. There are also robotic engineers, marine biologists, geologists, botanists and climatologists all working incredibly hard to protect the earth, develop new ways of working alongside nature and assuring a healthy future for humans – and a nice glossary at the end of historic and present-day scientists changing things for the better.

Ana Albero’s use of large comic-style panels in her stunning illustrations makes a nonfiction picture book into more of a friendly story, showing the little boy and his mum talking as they look at rocks, go out in the garden, prepare dinner and finally, get ready for bed. By the end of the day, the little boy has exhausted himself and all his questions, and goes to sleep dreaming of his own adventures as a scientist.

Scientists are Saving the World is an original and very appealing picture book, outlining a variety of different kinds of sciences for young children in a friendly and colourful format. Because of the way that Mum answers all the questions as she and her son go about their day, the book would also particularly appeal to homeschoolers.

Mae bachgen bach yn gwylio'r teledu gyda'i fam un diwrnod ac mae'n dechrau ei holi am wyddonwyr. Beth maen nhw'n ei wneud i achub y byd y funud yma?

Felly mae Mam yn dechrau esbonio'r holl ffyrdd gwych y mae gwyddonwyr yn ein helpu ni y funud yma, o'r meteorolegwyr fel June Bacon-Bercey yn rhagweld hafau chwilboeth, i fiolegwyr acwstig fel Deepal Warakagoda sy'n gwrando ar synau anifeiliaid yng ngwahanol rannau o'r byd ac yn eu recordio.

Mae Scientists are Saving the World yn llyfr lluniau gwreiddiol a deniadol iawn, yn tynnu sylw plant ifanc at amrywiaeth o wahanol fathau o wyddonwyr mewn fformat cyfeillgar a lliwgar.

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