Safiyyah’s War

(3 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Andersen Press

War is creeping across Europe but has not yet reached Safiyyah and her family. For the moment, Paris is still a free city and life at the Grand Mosque is ordered and calm; Muslims, Jews and Christians live harmoniously together.

It happens gradually; an influx of refugees, the exodus of many wealthy Parisians and most of the government. Then the dramatic arrival of German soldiers and the imposition of a curfew. And later, the shortage of food and introduction of draconian laws against Jews.

Safiyyah feels helpless as she witnesses the impact of war. But as she starts to notice unexplained irregularities around the mosque, it becomes clear that some great act of rebellion is happening right under her nose. And despite the dangers, she is determined to play her part.    

Focussing on the experiences of a small group of individuals, Safiyyah’s story shines a spotlight on an under-recognised pocket of resistance from World War II when hundreds of Jews were led to safety via underground passages from the Grand Mosque.

This a fascinating and moving story of courage, resilience and humanity that honours unsung heroes whose sense of justice outweighed concern for their own safety.

Gan ganolbwyntio ar grŵp bach o unigolion, mae stori Safiyyah yn cynnig cipolwg ar boced o wrthwynebiad nad yw wedi'i gydnabod yn ddigonol o'r Ail Ryfel Byd, pan arweiniwyd cannoedd o Iddewon i ddiogelwch trwy goridorau tanddaearol o’r Mosg Mawr ym Mharis.

Mae hon yn stori ddiddorol a gwefreiddiol o ddewrder, gwytnwch a dyngarwch sy'n anrhydeddu arwyr di-glod yr oedd eu hymdeimlad o gyfiawnder yn fwy na'u hystyriaeth o'u diogelwch eu hunain. Mae’r cymeriadau yn cyfrannu amrywiaeth o safbwyntiau ac yn atgyfnerthu'r angen am empathi a dealltwriaeth ddiwylliannol mewn cyfnodau o helbul.

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