
(1 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Big Picture Press

Starting just 100 kilometres above our planet, space stretches further than we can imagine, and only now are we starting to unravel some of its many mysteries.

Written by an astrophysicist from University College London and illustrated by the phenomenally talented Chris Wormell, Planetarium explores the solar system, the sun, the night sky as seen from Earth, the stars, galaxies, and the universe as we know it.

There are many books about space for children, and though it’s a subject with enduring allure, it can be difficult to find a book with the right level of text and information for particular ages, presented clearly and with inspiring illustration.

Planetarium is a large format luxury hardback suited to 9-12 year olds (though adults will also adore it, particularly Wormell’s subtly 1980s-influenced illustration). Prinja’s writing is excellent, clearly describing how, for instance, the sun “shines” for us because it is currently converting 700 tons of hydrogen in its core into 695 million tons of helium every second (in the process of nuclear fusion), or how galaxy clusters are naturally drawn to each other by their powerful gravitational force.

A beautiful and wonderful book and a real treasure for any child.

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