One Home Eighteen stories of hope from young activists
Publisher: Macmillan Children’s Books
This is a passionate and inspiring call to action to save our planet, our one home. Eighteen young activists from across the globe have made an unquestionable difference in their local region, but also worldwide. They are from, among others, New Zealand, Sudan, India, Sweden, Canada, South Korea and Patagonia. Most individuals should be more well-known. What links several is their heritage of living closely with the land and the animals – many are from indigenous communities. Each person’s story is followed by facts about the flora and fauna in their homeland, and then a ‘challenge’ to the reader to follow in their footsteps. The challenge is something achievable and eco-friendly, such as creating bird feeders, growing your own vegetables in pots and considering buying from companies that are certified as ‘Fairtrade’.
The whole large-format book is stunningly illustrated in colour by Rachael Dean, showcasing the astounding biodiversity in every region of the world. Nature that must be protected and saved. It is hard to talk about climate change and its effects in an optimistic way, and there are some tough facts to swallow here, but overall the message that one person can make a huge difference is inspiring and galvanising.
Galwad angerddol i weithredu i achub ein planed ydy hwn. Mae deunaw o ymgyrchwyr ifanc o ledled y byd, llawer ohonyn nhw o gymunedau brodorol, wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth diamheuol. Mae gan stori pob person ifanc ffeithiau am eu planhigion a’u hanifeiliaid lleol, ac yna ‘her’. Mae’r rhain yn gyraeddadwy ac yn eco-gyfeillgar, fel creu porthwyr adar, tyfu llysiau mewn potiau a phrynu oddi wrth gwmnïau Masnach Deg.
Mae’r llyfr fformat mawr hwn wedi’i ddarlunio mewn lliw, ac mae’n dangos holl fioamrywiaeth y byd. Mae’n anodd bod yn optimistig wrth drafod newid hinsawdd, ac mae yna ffeithiau caled wedi’u cynnwys, ond mae’r neges bod un person yn gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth yn ysbrydoli.
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