Nic Blake and the Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy

Publisher: Walker Books

Nic Blake has just been given a hellhound puppy for her 12th birthday. She lives with her dad in Jackson, Mississippi. They are Manifestors – Black people who have a magical Gift within them – and who can see vampires, werewolves and all kinds of Remarkables. Her Unremarkable best friend JP lives next door – but he is remarkable in his enthusiasm for the fantasy books of TJ Retro, and for hanging out with Nic.

When they meet their favourite author, everything Nic thought she knew is turned upside down. The thrilling events he wrote about really happened – and they’re linked to Nic herself. Soon, Nic, JP and a new friend find themselves pursued by the Guardians, the Manifestor police, for something they didn’t do, while Nic’s dad is thrown in jail. They must find the mysterious Msaidizi, before his Gift is removed forever. And so begins a thrilling adventure involving shapeshifters, wizards, the devil’s daughter and even a dragon.

This is an absorbing, fast-paced fantasy adventure full of humour and heart, with plenty of action and inventive moments to keep readers racing through the pages. Nic’s narrative voice is spot on, and JP is a brilliantly funny character. We absolutely loved it. 

Mae Nic Blake yn un o’r grŵp Manifestor – pobl Ddu sydd â’r Ddawn o’u mewn – ac sy’n gallu gweld fampirod, bleidd-ddynion a phob math o fodau hynod. Mae ei ffrind gorau anhynod JP yn byw drws nesaf – ond mae e yn hynod oherwydd ei frwdfrydedd dros lyfrau ffantasi TJ Retro a thros gadw cwmni i Nic.

Eto, pan maen nhw’n cyfarfod eu hoff awdur, mae popeth y mae Nic yn meddwl ei bod yn gwybod yn troi ben i waered, ac mae’n rhaid i’r ffrindiau frwydro i achub tad Nic.

Antur ffantasïol gyflym, ddiddorol, llawn hiwmor a chalon, gyda digonedd yn digwydd ac adegau dyfeisgar i gadw darllenwyr yn rhuthro drwy’r tudalennau. Mae llais naratif Nic yn taro i’r dim, ac mae JP yn gymeriad doniol tu hwnt.


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