
Publisher: David Fickling Books

Tilbury Twitch-Whiskers is the seventh-born rat of the seventh-born litter – and destined for adventure. Thus his ma cossets him and he spends his days at home, in the attic in Tilbury Docks. Every year, ratlings are tested in front of the legendary diamond, the Cursed Night. The rat who can open the intricately locked Gilded Cage, forged by the ingenious Bartholomew who brought the diamond to the Dockland Rats, will be the one to return it, and to break the curse. This year, Tilbury and his sister Nimble-Quick are watching, and Tilbury works out how to open the cage. And so begins his journey to return the greatly-desired diamond to the Golden Rats in the City in the Clouds. But there is much adventure to be had – and danger to be faced – along the way.

This is a wonderfully involving story of adventure and daring feats, set in a richly drawn world of rats. The rats have their own tribes, their own legends and customs, with brilliantly imaginative details. There are themes to discuss around what constitutes courage, what makes a hero, and whether treasure and riches should be blindly pursued. It would be a perfect class reader for 8 and 9 year olds. An absolute delight.

Tilbury Twitch-Whiskers ydy’r seithfed llygoden fawr i gael ei geni i’r seithfed torllwyth i gael ei eni – ac mae’n sicr bod antur yn rhan o’i thynged.

Bob blwyddyn, mae’r llygod bach yn cael eu rhoi ar brawf o flaen y diemwnt chwedlonol, y Cursed Night. Y llygoden fawr a fydd yn llwyddo i agor y gawell aur sydd wedi’i chloi’n gywrain fydd yn torri’r felltith. Nawr, y cyfan sy’n rhaid i Tilbury ei wneud ydy dychwelyd y diemwnt i’r llygod mawr aur yn y ddinas yn y cymylau. Ond mae llawer antur - a pherygl – i’w hwynebu ar hyd y ffordd.

Mae hon yn stori antur wych a chymhleth gyda gorchestion mentrus, wedi’i gosod mewn byd o lygod mawr sydd wedi’i ddarlunio’n gywrain. Pleser llwyr.


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