Martha Maps it Out

Publisher: Oxford University Press

This is no ordinary map book – this is Martha’s map book! Martha loves drawing maps to make sense of the world around her. Beginning in outer space, each map in the book zooms in closer and closer to Martha’s own inner world. There’s a map of planet Earth, a map of the city, tower block and bedroom where Martha lives and even a map of Martha herself (with all the thoughts and dreams that make her unique)!

Combining factual labels with quirky details specific to Martha’s own perspective, this is a book which offers both light-touch learning and a positive message about dreaming big. The delightful textured and patterned illustrations perfectly complement Martha’s optimism and creativity.

The map element is great for teaching children a sense of scale but even more brilliant is how the map theme is tied in with Martha’s dreams for her future. No matter how small Martha may be and no matter how little room she takes up in the universe or Earth or city, she has the potential to go to big places and to achieve very big things!

Mae Martha wrth ei bodd yn tynnu llun mapiau er mwyn gwneud synnwyr o'r byd o'i chwmpas. Gan ddechrau ym mhellteroedd y gofod, mae pob map yn y llyfr yn closio'n nes ac yn nes at fyd mewnol Martha ei hun. Mae yna fap o blaned y Ddaear, map o'r ddinas, y blocdwr a'r ystafell wely lle mae Martha'n byw – a hyd yn oed map o Martha ei hun.

Gan gyfuno labeli ffeithiol â manylion difyr yn benodol i sefyllfa Martha ei hun, mae hwn yn llyfr sy'n cynnig dysgu heb fod yn drwm a neges bositif am freuddwydio'n fawr. Mae'r darluniau hyfryd gweadog a phatrymog yn cyd-fynd yn berffaith ag optimistiaeth a chreadigrwydd Martha.

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