Mara, Daughter of the Nile

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Publisher: Puffin

Mara is a proud and beautiful slave girl in ancient Egypt during the reign of Hatshepsut. She yearns for freedom, and one day is presented with the chance to earn it. The nobleman Nahereh employs her as a spy for himself and Queen Hatshepsut, promising her freedom in return for her services. However, during her mission she in approached by another powerful man Lord Sheftu who wants her to spy on his behalf in order to help with a planned rebellion. Thus, Mara becomes embroiled in the dangerous role of double-agent and quickly must learn to play the game of politics, no longer to gain her freedom but to simply stay alive.

Published in 1986, McGraw's book is still seen today as a classic of teen historical writing. Her scenes are rich and vivid and her dialogue snappy and full of emotional depth. This is a great book for those teenagers who are stepping in to more YA literature and themes.

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