Kindness Rules!

Publisher: Abrams Appleseed

Not sure what to do when you’re feeling crabby or lost? Unsure of the best way to respond when a new friend wants to join the game or play with your toys? Worry no longer! Magic Manners, a large blue elephant with a superhero costume and cape, is here to help us find the answers. Magic reminds us to say please when we’re asking for something, use our words when we’re upset and be gentle when we’re playing with other people’s toys. Kindness rules!

This bright, cheery, rhyming board book is great for toddlers and preschoolers who are starting to learn the difficult lessons of sharing, gentleness and treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves. The design is modern and busy with lots of fluorescent pink that really catches the eye and will definitely interest little ones.

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