Why comics matter for young readers 02/12/24
Keisha Jones Takes on the World
Publisher: Little Tiger
Keisha Jones is brimming with energy and ideas. When her grandfather tells her about his sister, Great Aunt Bee, who was a lawyer and an activist, Keisha is inspired to follow in her footsteps. She ropes in her friends KD and Paisley to form the Bee Squad, who will fight any injustice they find. They even have a secret handshake. But what cause will they take up? Well, when Keisha discovers that the female rabbits in the pet shop are being sold for less than the male ones, she’s outraged. Justice for the bunnies! Only, it turns out that her actions have consequences, and maybe mixing up the rabbits wasn’t the best idea… Can the Bee Squad sort out the mess and fight for what’s right?
This is the first book in a funny new series and young readers will be keen to read more about the irrepressible Keisha. The themes of activism, and making things right (after your own actions too!) are handled lightly, and there’s humour throughout. The lively dialogue brings the characters to life brilliantly, as do Chanté Timothy’s fantastic illustrations, which feature on almost every page. The font uses infant ‘a’s to make it very accessible.
Mae Keisha Jones yn llawn egni a syniadau. Wedi’i hysbrydoli gan ei hen fodryb o actifydd, mae’n creu’r Bee Squad gyda’i ffrindiau - tîm sy’n ymroddedig i fynd i’r afael ag anghyfiawnder cymdeithasol. Pan fyddan nhw’n penderfynu ymladd dros hawliau cwningod, mae eu gweithredoedd yn arwain at rai canlyniadau annisgwyl...
Dyma’r llyfr cyntaf mewn cyfres newydd ddoniol. Mae themâu actifiaeth ac unioni pethau’n cael eu trin yn ysgafn, ac mae yna hiwmor drwyddi draw. Mae’r ddeialog fywiog yn dod â’r cymeriadau’n fyw, ac yn yr un modd hefyd, y darluniau gwych.
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