Honey’s Hive
Publisher: Andersen Press
Honey the bee dreams of having an exciting job like astronaut, dancer or Egyptian Queen. Yet, the only avenues open to her are super boring bee jobs like feeding the baby bees honey or pollinating flowers. DULL!
Yet, when the hive is attacked, Holly realises that it might be up to her to save the day – and the Queen Bee – from epic disaster. Can she build a new hive for her bee community to move into? And who will help her with such a huge task?
This is the first book in a new series from Mo O’Hara, the author of many hilarious picture books such as My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish and the early reader Agent Moose series. It’s a lovely book for younger readers who still want something illustrated, with plenty of fun and bee facts along the way. Honey is a relatable main character and her friends Hex and Beanie are adorable; younger primary readers may well empathise with her desire for adventure and her feeling that she doesn’t entirely fit in with everyone else.
There is also a strong environmental theme to the book, which will also appeal to younger children who are interested in animal conservation.
Mae Honey y wenynen yn breuddwydio am gael swydd gyffrous fel gofodwr, dawnsiwr neu Frenhines yr Aifft. Ond mae pob llwybr sydd ar agor iddi'n swyddi gwenyn hynod o ddiflas fel bwydo mêl i'r gwenyn bach neu beillio blodau. DIFLAS!
Ond, pan ymosodir ar y cwch gwenyn, mae Holly'n sylweddoli ei bod hi i fyny iddi hi o bosibl i achub y dydd – a'r famwenynen – rhag trychineb ofnadwy. Ydy hi'n gallu adeiladu cwch gwenyn newydd i'w chymuned o wenyn symud i mewn iddo? A phwy fydd yn ei helpu?
Hefyd, mae yna thema amgylcheddol gref i'r llyfr, a fydd yn apelio at blant iau sydd â diddordeb mewn gwarchodaeth anifeiliaid.
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