What to Read After... David Walliams 17/02/25
Goth Girl and the Sinister Symphony
Publisher: PanMacmillan
It's a musical time of year at Ghastly-Gorm Hall, which of course means another eerie mystery for Ada Goth to solve. Lord Goth is throwing a festival, with performances from the most renowned composers in the land. Ada can't wait, but is also preoccupied with the worrying fact that grandmother is trying to find her father a brand new wife, also there's a faun living in her wardrobe. Naturally it's down to Ada to make sure everything goes to plan for the festival
In the fourth outing in the Goth Girl series by Chris Riddell, Children's Laureate 2015-2017, Chris' blend of amazing illustrations, darkly gothic humour and good old fashioned sense of adventure result in a book as exciting and fresh as the first.
Chris Riddell books
We're thrilled to announce that Children's Laureate Chris Riddell will be releasing a fun picture/activity book. So, before his Doodle-a-Day diary is released, relive or discover some of Chris's previous books and illustrations.