Drew, Moo and Bunny, Too

Publisher: Walker Books

Drew and his best friends Moo and Bunny are flying on their red rug one night, as they usually do, when they have a disagreement about which way to go. And oh no! The red rug plops into the sea. Just then a speck appears, comes closer and turns into a pirate ship. Once the friends are on the ship’s deck – previously a speck – they meet Captain Jacqueline or Jack and her crew. But the crew are stealing treasures. What to do? Can Drew and Bunny and Moo too find a way to save the day? 

Written by acclaimed Welsh poet and playwright Owen Sheers, this is a rhythmic, lyrical delight. Its many rhymes mean the words flow along and it’s easy to read aloud. The book has a dream-like quality, and is full of drama and wonder, enhanced by the soft, atmospheric drawings from Helen Stephens.

The book is a large, square format, with colour illustrations, and pre-schoolers would enjoy it. Yet, despite it being an imaginative adventure with soft toys, children up to the age of 8 would also enjoy it being read to them. There is a lot to discuss, namely friendship and also taking things that are not yours.  


Mae Drew, Bunny a Moo yn ffrindiau gorau sydd yn treulio pob nos yn hedfan o gwmpas y byd ar eu carped hud. Ond pan mae’r ffrindiau’n dechrau anghytuno mae problemau yn codi. Mae’r ffrindiau yn gorfod dod o hyd i loches ar fwrdd llong môr-ladron. Ond daw’n amlwg bod trysor y môr-ladron yma yn anarferol. Wrth hwylio’r byd mae’n nhw wedi bod yn casglu’r pethau mwyaf prin ar y blaned a’u cadw ar y llong. Pan mae’r ffrindiau’n herio’r criw ynglŷn â’r trysor, mae’r môr-ladron yn troi yn eu herbyn. Yn y pen draw yr hyn sydd yn achub y ffrindiau yw cryfder eu cyfeillgarwch. Erbyn y diwedd mae nhw’n helpu’r môr-ladron i ddeall nad pethau ond atgofion o eiliadau arbennig yw’r gwir drysor. Dyma lyfr perffaith i’w ddarllen yn uchel cyn mynd i’r gwely.

Drew, Bunny and Moo are best friends who spend every night flying around the world on their magic rug. But when the friends begin to argue problems arise, and they are forced to board a pirate ship for refuge. However, these pirates hoard an unusual treasure. Instead of gold, they have collected the rarest animals, plants and objects on the planet and store them onboard their ship. When the friends challenge the crew’s choices they turn on them. In the end Drew and his friends are saved by the strength of their friendship. They help the pirates understand that true treasure is not keeping hold of rare things but the ever-lasting  memories created by having experienced them. A perfect read-aloud to share with young readers before bed.


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