Don't Hug the Pug

Publisher: Cicada

Baby likes to cuddle. Grown-Up lets him cuddle the rug, the jug, the bug and the slug. But DON'T HUG THE PUG!

Why not? What's wrong with the pug? We soon find out, but it's not what we think...

A very simple story with lots of rhyme and silliness that's sure to get little ones shrieking and squealing (and wanting to give that cute pug a hug).

Matthew Hodson – aka the popular and quirky poet/illustrator Matthew the Horse – really brings this picture book alive. It's drawn in comic-book style with giant speech bubbles, easy-to-read lettering, lighthearted pastels and the big, googly eyes of the somewhat puzzled pug. 

The twist to the tale (or should we say "tail") is icky and yucky enough to appeal to all tiny tots for whom toilet humour is just about the bestest thing in the whole wide world. 

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