Publisher: Nosy Crow
Archie Blake can pick locks. Since his mum died, he and his police officer dad have had races to see who can break into a safe the fastest. But now his dad has been arrested for stealing a diamond necklace and Archie’s on the run. He needs to use his unusual skills and his quick reactions to prove his dad’s innocence. He only has 48 hours. And he’s in Brighton, with only one clue to follow. Enlisting the help of a girl called Bunny, Archie is drawn into investigating a criminal gang in a desperate race to find the evidence that his dad has been framed. But could there be more to the mystery than Archie realises?
A fast-paced thriller that is relentlessly action-packed, this is a fantastic read. It is not only full of dangerous stunts and real peril, but it explores the choices we make and who to trust.
Mae Archie Blake yn gallu pigo cloeon. Ers i’w fam farw mae ei dad, sy’n swyddog â’r heddlu, ac yntau wedi bod yn rasio i weld pwy sy’n gallu torri i mewn i sêffs gyflymaf.
Ond nawr mae ei dad wedi cael ei arestio am ddwyn mwclis diemwnt ac mae Archie ar ffo. Mae Archie’n dechrau archwilio i giang o droseddwyr mewn ras wyllt i ddod o hyd i dystiolaeth bod ei dad wedi cael ei fframio. Ond oes yna fwy i’r dirgelwch o bosibl nag y mae Archie’n sylweddoli?
Mae’r llyfr yn nofel gyffrous gyflym, llawn antur gyda styntiau peryglus a gwir berygl, ond mae hefyd yn archwilio’r dewisiadau rydyn ni’n eu gwneud a phwy i ymddiried ynddyn nhw.
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