Challenge Everything: The Extinction Rebellion Youth Guide to Saving the Planet

Publisher: Pavilion

This guide to environmental activism is written by 17-year-old youth activist, Blue Sandford. She understands that many young people are passionate about reducing pollution, tackling climate change and protecting endangered species, yet may feel frustrated that those in power aren’t doing enough to combat these issues. Her aim is to provide children and teenagers with the knowledge, skills and encouragement to take peaceful action to save the planet.

This accessible book can be read from cover to cover, or readers can dip in and out and read across a range of topics - from the fashion industry to air travel and rewilding. There's also a no-nonsense chapter on the importance of taking responsibility for one’s own actions.

The key message throughout is to challenge everything, from government policies and business practices to how we live our own lives. Full of thought-provoking information and practical ideas on how to get involved, this powerful book will appeal to young people who may feel disillusioned about their future, empowering them to take action and make a real difference in the world.

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Author: Camilla de la Bedoyere Illustrator: Vasilisa Romanenko

From the big to the small, size is important and can tell us a lot about the animals and plants that live on planet Earth. This fascinating book zooms in on size to reveal all kinds of interesting facts about why things are the size that they are, and to give young readers a sense of scale.

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A Year of Black Joy: 52 Black Voices Share Their Life Passions

Author: Jamia Wilson Illustrator: Jade Orlando

52 Black visionaries, creators and changemakers share what brings them joy. Inspiring and fascinating, this beautiful book also includes an activity or fact file linked to the profiled person. Gorgeous.

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