A Bus Called Heaven

Publisher: Walker Books

One morning, a dilapidated bus appears from nowhere abandoned outside Stella’s house; a hand-painted sign on the front says: 'Heaven.' Shy, tiny Stella plucks up courage and declares 'It could be ... ours', and Heaven it proves to be.

Amidst the city’s impersonal bustle, the bus is transformed into a bright haven of human friendship, connections sparking across unlikely boundaries of age, creed and race. And when THE CRUSHER is threatened, it’s Stella who charms the junkyard boss, making him understand. Heaven is still there, in a vacant allotment, 'the grass danced flat'.

There’s something about a Bob Graham book – an alchemical combination of subject matter, intelligent humour, subtle, deeply expressive but unsentimental drawing style and witty detail - that just makes you feel better about the world!

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