Summer term
Welcome to your Pori Drwy Stori summer term resources.
The book making resource will help your class to explore the process of making their own book, providing a motivating tool which will allow them to write independently and collaboratively in response to a variety of stimuli, on subjects that are of interest and importance to them. We would suggest using these with your class during the summer term.
The Unicorn's Challenge magazine is designed to be sent home with children over the summer at the end of their Reception year. Activities are linked to the Literacy and Numeracy Framework outcomes and encourage children to practice skills over the holiday through playing games with a parent or carer.
My Book
My Book
The book making resource will help your class to explore the process of making their own book, providing a motivating tool which will allow them to write independently and collaboratively in response to interesting subjects.
Unicorn's Challenge
Unicorn's Challenge Magazine
The Unicorn’s Challenge is usually given to children at the end of the Reception year to use over the summer holidays. This year, we have adapted the magazine to support children as they move from Reception to Year 1.