Individual consent form

Intro copy here and links to full consent form PDF and Privacy Policy

BookTrust: Individual photography, filming and case study consent form

By completing and submitting this consent form, I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions as set out in the full Individual photography, filming and case study consent form (link to PDF).

By completing and submitting this consent form, I permit BookTrust to use photos, film and/or a written case study of myself and/or my children for the following purposes:

  • In the media (e.g. to promote BookTrust in a newspaper, radio or on TV)
  • In printed or online marketing materials (e.g. a leaflet or advert to promote BookTrust)
  • On BookTrust’s website and social media sites
  • In printed and online fundraising materials to help raise money for BookTrust
  • In BookTrust programme materials (e.g. Bookbuzz teacher guides)