BookTrust Storytime

Your donations took the BookTrust Storytime packs to the next level in 2022-2023.

The packs are physical and digital resources, aimed to inspire lower income families with young children to engage with their local libraries and make visits a part of everyday life.  

Support more families and libraries with a donation today

Supporting more dads to get involved in story time

Our research shows that some dads lack confidence when reading with their children or don’t know what books to choose. Thanks to your support, we gift BookTrust packs to thousands of libraries across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. These packs include five specially selected books and lots of fun resources, ideal for reading with under 5s, and show families how reading aloud can be fun. 

BookTrust and WILD – using storytime to empower parents as reading role models

Librarian Paul lying on the floor of the library sharing a picture book with a young child

Just relax. Don't worry about it. Your child's not going to be judgmental. They'll enjoy doing something with you

Paul, librarian

Already a BookTrust Friend but want to increase your gift? Email us at [email protected] and our team will help you out.