Booklists beginning with: E

  • Books about epilepsy and seizures

    This booklist includes books with characters who have epilepsy and books with characters that have seizures. The cause is not always explained or known, nor is it the same in every case. It’s important to note that those books set in historical times do show some ignorance and subsequent ill-treatment, which can be hard to read about. However, these are exce…

  • Books about the environment for babies and toddlers

    It’s never too early to learn about animals and nature. Here is a selection of books aimed at ages 0-4, that will inspire babies and toddlers to care about their environment.

  • Books all about elephants

    Everyone loves elephants! Here are some of our favourite books about elephants. They’re unforgettable...

  • Early Years – Habitats

    Children in the early years enjoy observing nature and should be encouraged to notice connections between animals and the places they live. The following fiction and non-fiction titles explore the variety of habitats that animals call home. From rock pool dwelling crabs to nesting owls, these books teach young children about animals in the wild and how their…

  • Early Years – Seasons

    An ever-present early years topic, exploring seasonal changes helps children to understand and make sense of their physical world and community. These wonderful books will help children engage with themes of seasonality through stories, poems and information, and will hopefully inspire deeper connections with our natural world. 

  • Easter bunnies, eggs and chicks

    Always on the lookout for pictures of bunny rabbits and baby chicks, we've dug out the best Easter and springtime books – and a couple about chocolate, too.

  • Eating Disorders Awareness Booklist

    These books all touch on the subject of eating disorders, and will help young readers to gain an understanding of eating issues.

  • Eco-warriors and activists

    From fighting plastic to shutting down fast fashion, explore our list of practical guides for those who want to change the world for the better.

  • Epic couples

    Here are the teen and YA read with the most epic of couples.

  • Epic fantasy

    Swords and sorcerers, kings and queens, elves and dragons, myth and magic... If you like Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, then try one of these epic fantasies.

  • Favourite books about the environment (older children)

    From climate change to animal conservation, these picture books, poetry collections, novels and graphic novels will encourage children and young people to think about and discuss pressing issues about the environment. 

  • Favourite books about the environment (younger children)

    From climate change to animal conservation, these picture books, poetry collections, novels and graphic novels will encourage children and young people to think about and discuss pressing issues about the environment.