What to Read After... David Walliams 17/02/25
Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World
Publisher: Wren & Rook
The 50 women profiled in this book are leaders in their fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The list includes environmentalist Rachel Carson who campaigned against US chemical companies’ manufacture of DDT, Maryam Mirzakhani, the first winner of the Fields Medal for mathematics, to Patricia Bath, ophthalmic inventor of the Laserphaco Probe, which removes cataracts.
This brilliant, attractively presented volume presents the often considerable detail of these women’s achievements in accessible language and an engaging illustrated format that feels fun and stylishly mature at the same time.
Representing a spectrum of famous and less well-known women from history and the present day, as well as from a variety of cultures, the text also explores the challenges of racism, sexism and the pressures of society the women endured and fought to do their work. Thoroughly inspiring and informative: a must for every child.
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Girls and Women in STEM
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Celebrating inspirational women
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