6 books with a mental health theme 03/02/25
Who Ate All the Bugs? The TRUE and GORY story of the food chain!
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Snail and worm are out for a stroll one beautiful day when disaster strikes: someone or something is eating all the bugs! Terrifying!
Outraged by the horrifying insect-icide, Snail decides to investigate. Their suspicion lands first on Bird, but it turns out that Bird has only eaten seeds all day. Next, Snail finds Snake, a very possible predator – but Snake eats rather slowly and tends to look for bigger prey than bugs. Perhaps Spider is responsible for eating all the bugs? But Spider only eats the bugs that fly into their web. So, who ate all the bugs?
This delightful and very funny cartoon-style guide to food chains is a brilliant introduction to the concept, and gives young readers/listeners some simple facts about a range of animals and their eating habits, and the natural cycle of life. The layout includes some busier spreads where there’s lots to see and point out, often little animals with amusing speech bubbles, in keeping with Long’s other books such as Salty Dogs and Super Happy Magic Forest. This is his first foray into non-fiction, though, and it works very well with a fiction-esque element too. Four to five year olds will enjoy having this read to them, and six to seven year olds will enjoy reading it to themselves.
Mae Snail a Worm allan am dro un diwrnod braf pan mae trychineb yn digwydd: mae rhywun neu rywbeth yn bwyta'r chwilod i gyd!
Yn gandryll o'i go, mae Snail yn penderfynu ymchwilio i hyn. Yn gyntaf maen nhw'n amau Bird, ond fel mae'n digwydd doedd Bird dim ond wedi bwyta hadau drwy'r dydd. Nesaf, mae Snail yn gweld Snake, ond mae Snake yn bwyta'n araf iawn ac yn tueddu i chwilio am ysglyfaeth cryn dipyn yn fwy na chwilod. Efallai mai Spider sy'n gyfrifol am fwyta'r chwilod i gyd?
Mae'r canllaw cartwnaidd hyfryd a doniol iawn hwn i'r gadwyn fwyd yn gyflwyniad gwych i'r cysyniad, ac yn rhoi ychydig o ffeithiau syml i'r darllenwyr ifanc am amrywiaeth o anifeiliaid a'u harferion bwyta.
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