Where's Brian's Bottom?

(1 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Pavilion

Brian is an exceptionally long sausage dog, and, in this very long fold-out book, he can’t find his bottom anywhere. It’s not in the hallway or the living room and definitely not in the kitchen, where Dave the tortoise is chomping on some leaves. Nor is it in the bathroom, with Derek the chick. Finally, the mystery is solved – Brian’s bottom is still in bed, right next to Cheryl the cat!

A delightfully fun fold-out concertina book that is easily long enough for an adult to hold out between two outstretched arms, Rob Jones’ brilliantly simple idea of one incredibly long sausage dog spans five rooms featuring five animal friends. On the reverse side of the illustrated story text, there’s another long picture of Brian facing the other way, this time with his bottom in the hallway and his head tucked up in bed. It’s an absolute joy of a book, fun because of its super cute sausage dog and the other animals, all rendered in bold lines and bright colours, but also the concertina form of the book which gives it an added element of play. It would look great stretched out on top of a shelf at home or in the classroom as a room decoration too.

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