Where the River Takes Us
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Thirteen-year-old Jason and his older brother Richie have lived by themselves since their parents died. Richie is doing his best, but it’s 1974 and families have been hit hard by the power shortages and the three-day week. Fewer working hours means less money, and Jason discovers that his brother has fallen in with the wrong people to make ends meet. When Jason hears about the cash reward for a photograph of the big cat supposedly prowling the Valleys, up the river from their village, he and his friends make a plan. Find the cat, take a photo of it, claim the reward. His friends even agree they’ll give all the money to Jason and Richie.
So up the river they walk one morning – Jason, Jinx, Tam and Catrin – sandwiches, sleeping bags and fizzy pop at the ready. But can they find the beast before anyone else?
Set in Wales during the miners’ strike, this is a fantastic exploration of friendship, grief and brotherly bonds. The dynamic between the four friends is brilliantly portrayed – with lots of humour in the dialogue – and contemporary children will find lots to relate to in their situation. There are many points of discussion to be found, as well as a cracking story to enjoy.
Mae Jason, sy’n dair ar ddeg oed, a’i frawd hŷn Richie wedi byw ar eu pennau eu hunain ers i’w rhieni farw. Mae hi’n 1974 ac mae prinder pŵer ac wythnos tri diwrnod wedi bod yn ergyd drom i deuluoedd. Roedd llai o oriau gweithio’n golygu llai o arian, ac mae Jason yn darganfod bod ei frawd wedi mynd i gwmni pobl ddrwg i gael deupen llinyn ynghyd.
Pan mae Jason yn clywed am y wobr arian am ffotograff o’r gath fawr sydd, yn ôl pob sôn, yn prowlan yn y cymoedd, mae ef a’i ffrindiau’n gwneud cynllun: dod o hyd i’r gath, tynnu llun ohoni, hawlio’r wobr. Ond tybed a allan nhw ddod o hyd i’r anifail cyn unrhyw un arall?
Archwiliad gwych o gyfeillgarwch, galar a chlymau brawdol.
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