What is Right and Wrong? Who Decides? Where do Values Come From? And Other Big Questions

Publisher: Wayland Books

Every day we make decisions that are underpinned by our decisions of right and wrong. But where do these ideas come from? Where do our values come from and who decides what values are used in a society?

In this addition to the series of books, including Who Are Refugees and Migrants? What Makes People Leave Their Homes? And Other Big Questions and What is Politics? Why Should We Care? And Other Big Questions, Rosen and Young examine principles and values, whether they can change, what society, justice and democracy are and what the differences are between prejudice and discrimination.

Featuring their own experiences with understanding right and wrong as well as that of author Alex Wheatle, activist Laura Bates of the Everyday Sexism project, Richard Reiser, the Managing Director of Managing Inclusion Ltd, and Tulip Siddiq, the MP for Hampstead and Kilburn, Rosen and Young demonstrate to young readers how ideas of right and wrong are important to different people, and what some are doing to make sure that values of fairness and equality are upheld for all.

A fascinating and well-presented book with plenty of pictures and break out boxes, this is ideal for Year 6 or Year 7 children and a super useful resource to have at home, supporting important conversations.

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