Timothy Top

(4 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Book One: The Green Pig

Publisher: Lion Forge

Eight-year-old Timothy Top is a devotee of comics, superheroes and wildlife. He often immerses himself in a fantasy world where he and his sidekick, the Green Pig, save the universe from total disaster. However, real life is more challenging. He is anxious about getting things wrong at school, as he’s ridiculed by his teacher and laughed at by his classmates. There is no respite at home, as his parents are constantly arguing and his baby sister never stops crying.

When he learns that a local park is to be demolished and replaced by a landscape of concrete and rubber, Timothy is devasted. The animals, plants and an ancient tree known as Little John will all be destroyed, but nobody seems to care. Tim knows he must try to save the park, and realises that real heroes stand up for what is right, even when the task seems impossibly daunting.

Expressive comic strip illustrations, many of which are wordless, convey the story brilliantly. An exciting first volume in an attractive series of graphic novels for junior readers, this tale successfully combines science fiction, humour, family difficulties and environmental concerns in an accessible and entertaining format.

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