There's No Such Thing as Dragons
Publisher: Scholastic
When a little boy is told by his grandpa that there’s no such thing as dragons, he doesn’t believe it for a second. Afterall, he’s somewhat of a dragon expert himself. He loves reading about them, drawing them and even has a secret den under the stairs full of his favourite dragon toys.
If the boy has any chance of proving that the mythological beasts are real, he needs proof! And so he sets off on a dragon hunt with his family, including his doubtful grandpa. From high mountains and dark forests to castles and beaches, they look everywhere for a real fire-breathing dragon. Eventually, the young boy declares that there’s absolutely no such thing as dragons. But wait, where’s that smoke coming from? Perhaps dragons DO exist…
This is a fun, engaging picture book, perfect for young dragon enthusiasts. Filled with vibrant, colourful illustrations, there’s lots of details to enjoy, including hidden dragons that children will love spotting.
Pan mae taid yn dweud wrth fachgen bach nad oes y fath beth â dreigiau, mae'n gwrthod ei gredu. Wedi'r cyfan, os rhywbeth, mae'n dipyn o arbenigwr ar ddreigiau ei hun. Ond mae arno angen prawf! Felly i ffwrdd ag ef ar helfa ddreigiau. O fynyddoedd uchel a choedwigoedd tywyll i gestyll a thraethau, mae'n chwilio ym mhobman am ddraig go iawn sy'n anadlu tân. Pan roedd ar fin rhoi'r gorau i chwilio, mae'n sylwi ar fwg mewn ogof gerllaw. Efallai FOD dreigiau'n bodoli...
Yn llawn darluniau bywiog, lliwgar, mae yna lawer o fanylion i'w mwynhau, gan gynnwys dreigiau cudd y bydd y plant wrth eu boddau'n dod o hyd iddyn nhw.
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Average rating:
LISA, 04 July 2023
this is a lovely book
lina, 04 July 2023
this is a lovely book