The Wonder Brothers

Publisher: Macmillan

If you’ve heard of Blackpool, you’ll know about the tower, right? It’s over 500 feet tall and looks like a distant relative of the Eiffel Tower. So how could it just disappear? Well, when the world’s greatest magician, Perplexion, is around, nothing should surprise you!

Middy and her cousin Nathan, aka the Wonder Brothers, are pretty good at magic themselves but perhaps promising to bring back Blackpool Tower on live TV wasn’t their smartest move. But when they, their big cousin Brodie and a giant rabbit end up in Las Vegas, as if by magic, maybe anything is possible. 

Any fan of magical illusions will love this whacky, glitter-spangled adventure. Packed with insider tips and references to some of the greatest illusionists of all time, the story oozes magicality and madcap scrapes.   

Told by multiple narrators, including a couple of Las Vegas police detectives, Middy and Nathan’s exploits are mostly seen in retrospect as they try to explain being a world away from their home with no passports, no parents and an enormous rabbit.

Fun, funny and with enough mystery to keep you guessing, this is a great read for anyone who likes a dose of danger with their magic.

Pan fo tŵr Blackpool yn diflannu, mae Middy a’i chefnder Nathan, y Wonder Brothers, yn addo i’w ddychwelyd. Maen nhw’n mynd ar daith i Las Vegas lle mae llawer o anturiaethau gwallgof a hudol yn dilyn.

Bydd y rhai sy’n hoff o ledrithiau hud wrth eu bodd â’r antur hanner call hon sydd wedi’u gorchuddio â gliter, a adroddir gan sawl adroddwr. Mae’n fywiog, yn ddoniol ac yn cynnwys digon o ddirgelwch i’ch cadw’n dyfalu – llyfr gwych i unrhyw un sy’n hoffi tipyn o berygl gyda’i hud.

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