The Snowman
Publisher: Puffin
James builds a snowman in the garden, then wakes up in the night to find that it has come to life. He shows the Snowman his home, and in return, the Snowman whisks him away on a very special journey.
This beautiful picture book is a Christmas classic. The stunning illustrations beautifully convey the story of a small boy's magical friendship with a snowman. Full of love and imagination, this is an extraordinary and atmospheric tale that the whole family can enjoy.
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What you thought...
Average rating:
rozaandlu, 11 February 2016
It is amazing book and very good for little children it is a funny book and a good. it is wicked and I love it and read it.
harry, 10 December 2013
I LOVE his book because you can get a really good picture in your head.
Connor, 21 October 2013
10 out of 10
jocelyn, 21 December 2011
We loved making our own words to the story from the beautiful drawings.