The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Publisher: HarperCollins
When the Pevensie children - Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy - step through a wardrobe door in the strange country house where they are staying, they find themselves in the land of Narnia. Frozen in eternal winter, Narnia is a land of snow and pine forests, and its creatures are enslaved by the terrible White Witch.
Tempted by the promise of endless Turkish Delight, Edmund becomes the White Witch's servant - and its up to his brother and sisters to release him from his enchantment and to rid Narnia of the witch. But just when it seems that all hope is lost, the Great Lion Aslan returns to help the children to save Narnia.
This classic story is certain to capture young imaginations, cleverly blending elements of fairy-tale and fantasy to create a wonderfully engaging adventure. Adult readers will be quick to spot the Christian symbolism woven through C S Lewis's story, which some critics have found problematic - but children will enjoy the magic of this spellbinding adventure in its own right.
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What you thought...
Average rating:
littlemanecoon, 07 April 2022
I loved the bit when they broke the stone table.But I would give it a 4 star because I know like whats going to happen next but I really enjoyed it though!Plot twist Edmund does not lie in the beginning. They all got invited to have lunch by Mr beaver at college.
Name (^~^), 07 April 2022
It a really good book I recommend it to people how like adventure and magic.I like Lucy the best because she was the first one go into Narnia and she kind.I love in the book it got little picture in.I love the part when the Beavers is in there home with Lucy,Peter,Susan and Edmund
crazyjess19, 07 April 2022
i love the book
I like the book because the white witch thought that Edmund would be on her side . I also like when the children when in the wordrobe and that lusy got a horn .
chicken nugget, 07 April 2022
I liked the book because there were a lot of mysterious parts and it's a good way for me to use my prediction skills. There are a lot of adventures in it which i liked. It's also got some good vocabulary in the book.I also liked how C.S Lewis goes with the same pattern in most of his books. I also like how they use the same characters in each book and they also take some away in one and back in in another.
fluffybubblegum4life, 07 April 2022
itz so good i love this book bc i like advensure books and there is a little plot twist and not a lot of books have 4 children go thro a mythical world thro a wardrobe
chicken/noodle18, 07 April 2022
max, 30 March 2022
i was like no i don't want to stop reading before i go to bed and like you say i like it when Lucy betrays Edmand .
jessica, 18 April 2021
I love this book and it gave me many mixed feelings towards Edmund from the time he betrayed Lucy and I was scared he was going to be on the White witch's side throughout the whole story. It took me roundabout five-six hours because when I started I just couldn't stop, I badly wanted to find out whether the kids have returned from Narnia and it was only said at the very end of the story. I enjoyed it.
Star, 29 October 2020
My mum read this to me when I was eight. This was a brilliant book 📖 and all the narnia books are brilliant too. Thank you c.s Lewis!
Martha, 13 May 2020
I loved this book.I also learned great vocab and lots of new words. Another thing is all that C.S Lewis put into this. Thank you!
marcelo, 25 February 2019
This book is superb and really descriptive.My favorite bit so far is when he ate all of the turkish delight and wanted more .My favorite character is alans the lion
Justin, 16 January 2017
This book is really good and it got magic and adventure for both boys and girls.
Amy, 08 December 2016
After reading about this book,there is no one that will reject it,marvelous.
anna, 08 October 2016
I have loved this book since I was a kid
emily, 12 September 2016
Adeniji, 03 July 2016
This book is really great, the story and the mind of the author c.s Lewis is fabulous. I think all the children present in this world should read it once.
Zara, 21 June 2016
I like this book because I have learnt new vocabulary words from it
allie, 30 October 2015
It was the amazing book that I had read
Mohamed, 13 September 2015
It was great. Loved it.
Alicia, 26 August 2015
This book was the most popular book I've ever read in my whole entire life. It also gave me lots of grammar, creativity, spelling and imagination, which helped me a lot
Cristiano, 07 August 2015
When Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter take a step through a sea of fur coats, they find themselves in a land of talking animals, magic and more. This book made me feel emotional.
Book Butterfly, 08 June 2015
i think this book is so magical its like i want to be one of the characters
chloe, 13 May 2015
good book but a bit into classic reading.
irfan, 12 May 2015
my teacher is reading this to me and its so amazing and intruiging I just love it im half way through it
hargun, 09 March 2015
It is an exilirating book I have watched the movie and read the book.I'm a book worm ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ that's how many stars I rate it out of 5! All the words that has been made up the type of portal is interesting the personality of every single character in the book everything comes to life from the book!(I'm a level 5a in year 6)
Mina, 29 September 2014
I love the story the lion and the witch in the wardrobe its a cool lovely story to read its a nice bedtime story for people who wont go to sleepx
Britne, 24 May 2014
Four children going into a mythical and magical world with magic animals that can speak and their adventures go wild!
alex, 10 October 2013
i liked the book because there was mysterous quests and adventures also they never gave up and always did there best it also makes u want to carry on