The Last Whale
Publisher: Zephyr
Abi has been asked ‘not to return’ to St Hilda’s Academy after using her exceptional IT skills for purposes that were seen as inappropriate, if not illegal. But she can forget about that small problem over the summer holidays, which she’ll be spending on a remote Norwegian island with her Bestemor (grandma) and family.
Although the island is idyllic, the lack of WiFi interferes with her mission for Earth Crisis and their latest eco-activist campaign. But, using the revolutionary AI unit she has ‘borrowed’ from tech giants NewTek, she can monitor, and collect vital data about, the whales that may hold the key to saving the planet. Until she almost kills her sister.
With action that spans several decades, this ambitious eco-thriller is not quite an accurate vision of the future but explores one possible scenario for planet Earth if climate change and global warming are not tackled effectively – and soon.
The central idea, that declining whale populations are a significant threat to human existence, is the thread that links several generations of Abi’s family, making for an epic tale with a strong eco message.
Action-packed, moving and thought-provoking, this book will take your breath away.
Mae Abi’n treulio’i gwyliau haf ar ynys bellennig yn Norwy gyda’i theulu. Gan ddefnyddio’r uned AI chwyldroadol y mae hi wedi’i ‘benthyg’ gan y cwmni mawr technolegol New Tek, mae hi’n gallu casglu data hollbwysig am forfilod sydd o bosibl yn dal y gyfrinach i achub y blaned. Nes iddi bron â lladd ei chwaer.
Gyda digwyddiadau’n rhychwantu sawl degawd, nid yw’r stori gyffrous uchelgeisiol hon yn weledigaeth fanwl gywir o’r dyfodol ond mae’n archwilio un senario posibl ar gyfer planed y Ddaear os nad eir i’r afael â newid hinsawdd a chynhesu byd-eang yn effeithiol – ac yn fuan.
Mae’r llyfr hwn yn llawn digwydd, mae’n wefreiddiol ac yn procio’r meddwl, a bydd yn eich syfrdanu.
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