Thank You

Publisher: Frances Lincoln

Tatenda says thank you many times a day. He thanks his Mum and Dad for making breakfast, thanks the post lady for delivering his comic and his teacher for marking his work.

But lately, no-one seems to hear his thank yous as they are preoccupied with worries and uncertainties. So Tatenda does the only thing he can think of, he makes his thank you so huge and so colourful that everyone will have to notice it! And all their smiles and the twinkles in their eyes will make the thank you grow even bigger and brighter until it can be felt in every corner of town.

This touching and joyful picture book is a celebration of all the unsung heroes of our lives; the people from bin men to doctors and delivery drivers to bus drivers who keep our world running smoothly, often with little recognition.

Inspired by the outpouring of thanks to keyworkers during the coronavirus pandemic, Tatenda embodies the appreciation and sense of community that emerge during times of crisis. The book’s simple message is strikingly depicted through the stark contrasting of stunning rainbow colours with the dull greys of a world without gratitude.

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