Super Cats

Publisher: Bloomsbury Children’s Books

Tabby kitten, Tagg, is astounded when he learns that his parents are Super Cats: Chester, his father, is amazingly strong, while his mother, Melody, has incredibly sharp claws, which can cut through anything. He is even more surprised to discover that he will soon develop his own superpowers and can’t wait to find out what they are.

When Melody’s friend Glamour drops by with her kitten Sugarfoot, she has some alarming news. Her mate Flash has disappeared, and there are rumours that other super cats are going missing too. The adults decide to investigate and, not wanting to miss out, Tagg and Sugarfoot secretly follow them.

The youngsters are soon embroiled in a plot involving a mad scientist, a hypnotic Siamese cat and a feline spy network. They must combine their newfound superpowers with stealth, courage and quick-thinking to help their parents, who find themselves in grave danger.

This first tale in a series of action-packed feline adventures is great fun and will particularly appeal to cat lovers. The short chapters and amusing black-and-white illustrations make it ideal for children to read independently.

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