6 books with a mental health theme 03/02/25
Speak Up!
Publisher: Puffin
Rocket loves her weekly trips to the local library with her mum and older brother. So, she is heartbroken when she discovers the library will be closing down forever! But Rocket, who recently borrowed a book about Civil Rights activist Rosa Parks, decides to speak up and save the library. She starts speaking up about libraries and how wonderful they are. Her passion is infectious, as she shares fascinating facts about libraries. Inspired by the activism of Rosa Parks, Rocket rallies support from her classmates, and together they lead a peaceful protest.
The protest is amazing but even though the press covers it, the library will still close. Rocket is gutted, and she can’t help but think the protest was pointless. But just as her hope starts to waver, hundreds of letters from supporters start pouring in. Next, the town’s mayor makes a surprise visit to Rocket’s home where she invites Rocket’s family to a party – a party to celebrate that the plans to close to library have been cancelled. Thanks to many people inspired by Rocket’s protest, there have been enough donations to keep the library open, refurbish the building and buy new books. How fantastic!
The third book featuring the brilliantly passionate Rocket, Speak Up! is an engaging and timely story that empowers young readers to fight for libraries and community spaces.
Mae Rocket wrth ei bodd â mynd i'r llyfrgell leol bob wythnos gyda'i mam a'i brawd hŷn. Felly mae hi'n torri ei chalon pan ddaw i wybod y bydd y llyfrgell yn cau am byth!
Yna mae Rocket, sydd newydd fenthyca llyfr am yr ymgyrchydd Hawliau Sifil Rosa Parks, yn penderfynu codi ei llais ac achub y llyfrgell. Mae Rocket yn mynd ati i ennill cefnogaeth ei chyd-ddisgyblion, a gyda'i gilydd maen nhw'n cynnal protest heddychlon.
Mae Speak Up!, y trydydd llyfr sy'n rhoi lle amlwg i Rocket, y ferch ryfeddol o angerddol, yn stori amserol a chyfareddol sy'n grymuso darllenwyr ifanc i frwydro dros eu llyfrgelloedd a'u mannau cymunedol.
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