Run Like a Girl
50 extraordinary and inspiring sportswomen
Publisher: Button Books
The term "run like a girl" is often perceived as a derogatory phrase, but in this wonderful anthology of real-life tales, it is used to celebrate the sporting achievements of 50 remarkable women from around the world. The collection includes a diverse selection of sports, from gymnastics and cricket to skiing, martial arts and sailing.
Each double-page spread showcases a different sportswoman, with fascinating biographical information and a "Did you know…?" section, which presents incredible key facts about the featured athlete.
Readers will learn about the pressures, prejudices and setbacks that each of them had to overcome in order to achieve their goals. The author, winner of two Paralymic gold medals and five-time World Champion in archery, says ‘...even in adversity we have a choice: to get up or to give up’. This passion, resilience and determination is a common theme throughout the book.
The compilation of motivational stories is enhanced by stylish design and contemporary artwork. Ideal to empower girls with an interest in sport, it has even broader appeal and is sure to inspire any young person to follow their dreams, redefine stereotypes and never give up.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Sarah Stone, 27 July 2022
My daughter loved this book. There are so many brilliant life stories that can be brought out of each chapter and it was very clever how it changed the concept of doing something like a girl into a positive. The diversity is great - we learned about different parts of the world, different sports, athletes we had never heard of before as well as some really famous ones.