How to Glow Up Your Life 15/09/24
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Publisher: Child's Play (International)
Actions to accompany the verses are demonstrated in lively watercolour illustrations of bright and cheerful babies, bursting with energy. They will certainly encourage young babies and toddlers to copy them and join in.
The music is printed on the back cover, so there is no excuse for adult readers not to sing along!
Sharing rhymes with very young children helps them become familiar with the patterns of language and helps them develop their understanding of how language works.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Linny, 03 June 2017
I love reading this book to my baby girl. She smiles at every sound and goes off to sleep.
Emmy-Ann, 28 March 2017
Great book loved by my daughter. This is one of the range of books which we didn't purchase because she reads it repeatedly at nursery and at playgroup so we bought ones she didn't access quite as regularly. We think the whole series is great.
Corky, 20 February 2017
Love these books. We've got 5 of them and have read them regularly at bed time.
Corky, 04 February 2017
My 1-year-old loves this book, it's great as a story or for a singing prop.
Natalie92, 26 January 2017
This waa in my book bag when I was a baby. This book is great, I have now shared this with my baby cousin.
Dinoaaqib, 08 November 2016
My 7mth old daughter loves listening to me read this book and do the actions with her. An excellent book to start reading to your little one.
Dappyden, 02 November 2016
Sofia loves to do the actions to this and likes to look at the pictures too.
Sofia's mum, 10 October 2016
My child loves this book very much.
Caroline, 16 September 2016
I used to do this all the time with my son when he was a baby, he is now 3 and occasionally he will do it with me
Linny, 23 June 2016
ebonijean loved reading and singing along to this and does the actions too. It has helped her say and know what the rhyme is about.
ebonijean, 24 February 2016
Works good for us any time!
Bear D, 06 February 2016
I do the actions when Mummy reads this
Munchkinmummy, 03 August 2015
my son loves this book and has started doing the actions
babybrighteyes, 10 June 2015
Reading and playing together, she has loved this from baby to toddler, singing and boat actions and just looking at the pictures
francha, 26 May 2015
We love this book! Doing the actions and singing along, all we need is the others in this collection. A really fun book.
MummyToLacie, 25 May 2015
Both my children love this book both like doing the actions
taylor keira, 11 May 2015
My little boy loves this nursery rhyme , he actually screams at the right part :)
Jacksmammy, 17 April 2015
My 9 month old daughter loved looking at the pictures as I sang the song and loved the parts where you roar and scream. It was her favourite book for a long time.
Hilary, 26 March 2015
My baby enjoy this book alot
row row row your boat, 05 March 2015
My daughter loved singing and joining in. And now gets the book and sings it to her little brother.
LJLane1118, 06 February 2015
my daughter loves the actions and links the book to singing it at the childrens centre we attend , she loves to look at the pictures when reading then after re read it with actions
22 may .., 10 December 2014
Fun book, enjoy doing the actions and helps to include very young baby with reading
Pickle2014, 01 October 2014
My 10 month old daughter loves this song, has done from a young age. Now we get to sing it with pictures to look at too.
Lilly-Ella, 24 September 2014
My baby loves this book and the actions we do along with it, especially 'rock, rock, rock' where we swing side to side.
Sally, 14 September 2014
good book and great for my baby to learn the actions to the rhyme whilst having fun at the same time
Khione , 14 August 2014
This book is really good to play with your child. My daughter love it from age of one. This encouraged her to play and look at the lovely pictures and copy..
daisybell, 05 August 2014
A lovely book to read over and over- whilst doing all the actions! The illustrations are large, so small babies can enjoy listening and looking at the pictures.
Butterfly 2014, 18 June 2014
Lovely book to read / sing and act out together! My 10 month old loves the actions and giggles along when we sing it.
Butterfly 2014, 10 June 2014
My son loved this book and loved focusing on the pictures
tankgirl, 21 May 2014
My 1 year old daughter received this book in her bookstart pack and it definitely is one of her favourites. I sing the words to her and she will happily rock back and forth to row row row your boat!
Hayley, 06 April 2014
This song always makes my daughter laugh. Lovely book
JDPD, 25 March 2014
My little girl loves this book especially when we do the.actions :)
kells88, 04 February 2014
Ella-Louise loves all books and particularly enjoyed the rowing motion of this book
Ella-Louise's mummy, 04 February 2014
My daughter loves when we share this book I can't wait until she can join in singing too.
Sophiebeth23, 13 January 2014
This is one of Sofia's favourite songs so this was the perfect book now she just loves the rhyme and actions.
Sofia , 13 September 2013
My son is 15 months old and loves pretending to row as i sing the song.
Debs1990, 25 July 2013
My 10 month old son loves singing along to this. He pointing the picture, making sound when I sing the song.
Aadhav, 16 July 2013
My baby loves this book. He laughs whenever I start singing and loves rowing with mammy!
Al, 25 April 2013
My 6 month old baby boy laughs when i make sound and loves the rocking movement when we're playing.
Twinx, 28 February 2013
Holly really enjoys it when we read this book as it is one of her favourite songs. She sings it at her music group and oftens giggles.
Hollybear, 31 January 2013
My 6 month old smiles and burbles along with me when reading this book
jenfraggle, 04 December 2012
loved this book...my lil boy were laughing all the way through as we were doing the actions whilst reading this book
cheekycharlie, 30 October 2012
My little boy loves this book and loves doing the actions.
Joe, 04 September 2012
Love doing this with my little boy reading it and doing the actoins he loves it.
Joshua'sMummy, 12 August 2012
My 10 month old daughter loves singing along to this - she pulls herself up on me, grabs my hand and pulls herself back and forth then claps at the end... She is also starting to make a roar sound x
NangyNoodles, 06 August 2012
My 11 month old loves to listen to this book and do the actions. lots of fun for mummy and baby.
mamafir, 17 July 2012
My little one loves singing along with this book! its great fun and always makes him giggle when we shout roar.
ClaireT, 01 July 2012
mum reads this to me and i laugh and look at the pictures.
melcgill, 28 April 2012
Mummy read the book to me while I looked and pointed at the pictures! It was great fun.
macoy, 27 January 2012
Shared this booklet with a group from nursery and they loved pairing up and going through it as a group.